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Please note that due to the change in GSPR regulations we no longer ship to the EU, Northern Ireland or EEA countries.

Welcome to Bitzbox - Warhammer Age of Sigmar and 40K Plastic & Resin Bits

We sell plastic Warhammer Age of Sigmar Bits and Warhammer 40k (40,000) Bits from the Games Workshop Range of miniatures. We also stock a selection of bits for Warhammer: The Old World and The Horus Heresy. We sell bases and transfers for these miniatures as well as the latest Games Workshop plastic boxed games including Kill Team and Necromunda.

As well as selling plastic bits for your conversions you can also find a selection of resin conversion parts, some of which are exclusive to our website.

This website is in no way related to or endorsed by Games Workshop. All items are sold as second hand goods but unless otherwise stated are in off the sprue condition and unpainted.

Please note that due to the change in GSPR regulations we no longer ship to the EU, Northern Ireland or EEA countries. Please follow this link for more information

Chaos Lord Kitbash

In this video I kitbash the current plastic Chaos Space Marine Lord miniature to look more like the classic Chaos Lord from 3rd Edition Warhammer 40,000

If you want to keep up to date with all of our videos then make sure you give us a subscribe on our channel.

Bitzbox Resin Bitz

We sell an ever growing range of 3d printed resin bitz that are completely unique to Bitzbox. This video showcases a small number of those bits and how they can be used for your miniatures. 

All of our resin bitz are designed to work with Games Workshop miniatures. On some bitz we offer different size options so you can use them with multiple armies or different sized Space Marines etc.

You can find all of our unique resin bitz by following this link.